GmbH Apps – vehicle market
With more than 1.4 million vehicles – usedvehicles, new vehicles, motorcycles, motor homes and utilityvehicles – is Germany's largest vehicle market online.Use the free app to quickly and easily search forvehicles, or offer your car for sale directly through the app freeof charge.+++ SEARCH AND OFFER WITH THE MOBILE.DE APP +++SEARCH:Use numerous sort and search options to find the right vehiclequickly. Place vehicles that interest you in your car park andaccess them whenever you want – whether you're on the go or at homeon your PC. Every ad shows the vehicle data, photos and features soyou can judge it at a glance.OFFER:Use the app to offer your car or motorcycle for sale forfree. You can edit your ad within the app under My Ads. The appalso tells you how many potential buyers have viewed and parkedyour vehicle.OTHER SERVICES:Maybe you're interested in a vehicle and would like to test driveit? The app shows the location of the vehicle on anintegrated map, and the directions will take you straight to theseller. Once you've arrived, you can use checklists which list allthe key questions for you.+++ OVERVIEW OF ALL FUNCTIONS +++The app provides the following functions for smartphonesand tablets:• Search for used vehicles, new vehicles, motorcycles, caravans,motor homes, trucks and utility vehicles• Numerous search criteria and sort options for hit list and carpark• All vehicle data, photos and features at a glance• Save search query and rerun any time• Park the vehicles you want and retrieve them at any time• Synchronize parked vehicles and saved searches with otherdevices• Alarm function when a saved search has new hits• Free ads for cars and motorcycles, including photos and a vehicledescription• Vehicle location with directions to the seller• Display all vehicles from one dealer on a details page• Photos as preview, in a gallery and full image• Checklists for testing vehicles including notes feature• Direct contact with seller• App fully functional in portrait and landscape modes• Use any share-capable application to recommend vehicles toothers• Switch language if you want: German or English• Statistics on the amount of interest in your ads• Edit (e.g. change price) and delete ads for cars andmotorcycles• Supports Rich Text Format for vehicle description• Submit complaints about ads• Direct contact with customer service+++ QUESTIONS OR SUGGESTIONS? +++Tell your opinions and suggestions via the app: Just usethe feedback form in the app's navigation menu, or contact ourcustomer service at or +49 (0)30 - 81097 -601 (Mon-Fri 8am to 6pm).Follow on Google Plus:
Park Uhr 1.8
Spar Dir den ständigen Blick auf die Uhr – mitder MOTOR-TALK Park Uhr weißt Du immer, wie lange Dein Auto nochauf dem Parkplatz stehen darf, ohne ein Knöllchen zu riskieren. Dustellst einfach die Parkdauer ein und der Alarm erinnert Dichdaran, dass Du besser umparkst.Damit Du dann auch auf großen Parkplätzen oder in fremdenGegenden immer zurück zu Deinem Auto findest, hilft Dir dieMOTOR-TALK Park Uhr, indem sie anzeigt, wo das Auto steht und wieDu zu Fuß am schnellsten dorthin zurück kommst. Praktisch fürunübersichtliche Parkplätze, in fremden Städten und Vielesmehr.Natürlich findest Du mit der MOTOR-TALK Park Uhr auchabgestellte Motorräder, Roller, Fahrräder usw. wieder.Und so geht’s:- Parkplatz finden, Fahrzeug abstellen- Auf „Fahrzeug parken“ drücken- Die Parkdauer einstellen (maximal 23 Stunden und 59Minuten)- Alarm abwarten- Der Route zurück zum Fahrzeug folgenDurch langes Drücken auf einen Punkt auf der Karte kann auchnachträglich der Standort des Fahrzeugs markiert werden, wenn mansich schon woanders befindet. Ein hilfreiches Feature, für alleVergesslichen.Save yourself thestanding looking at the clock - with the MOTOR-TALK Park Clock youwill always know how long your car can stand still in the parkinglot without a honk to risk. You simply adjusts the final parkingtime and the alarm reminds you that you umparkst better.So then you can find even in large parking lots or in externalareas always return to your car, you help the MOTOR-TALK Park Clockby indicating where the car is and how you get there the fastestcome back on foot. Convenient for confusing parking, in foreigncities and much more.Of course you can find again and parked motorcycles, scooters,bicycles, etc. with the MOTOR-TALK Park clock.And here's how:- Find parking, park the vehicle- "Parked vehicle" to press- Set the parking period (maximum of 23 hours and 59 minutes)- Wait for alarm- The route back to follow the vehicleA long press on a point on the map of the location of thevehicle can also subsequently be marked if one is alreadyelsewhere. A helpful feature for all forgetful.
MOTOR-TALK: Auto Community 2.2.2
Profound knowledge of Europe's car and motorcycle community on thego. Auto-Panorama
The app for car dealers: convince interested parties with 360 °images.